Newsroom Category

Telehealth and eCommerce Growth

Telehealth is a growing service in the United States. This was true before COVID-19, but has dramatically accelerated and has stayed at those increased rates. According to a McKinsey study Telehealth usage grew by 38x from pre-pandemic levels and has stabilized.

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eCommerce Platforms and Their App Ecosystems

Last week Ryan Breslan, CEO and Founder of Bolt called out Shopify in a Twitter thread for “eating their ecosystem.” This point of view is interesting not simply for the drama of it all since he did call out Shopify for being disingenuous in their communication, but also because of how the eCommerce and SaaS space at large is evolving.

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You are Underestimating the value of a Content Management System

Lately, we have scoped more than a few projects where the client has a hard-coded custom website. This holds their marketing team hostage to the development team. If they want to quickly spin up a landing page or alter the image on the home page it can take days or weeks. We put together 3 reasons why we think brands are still underestimating the value of a Content Management System (CMS).

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3 Ways Customer Experience is Driving eCommerce Innovation

The customer journey is more than just a purchasing experience; it’s about everything that happens as potential customers interact with your brand across all digital touchpoints. That can be daunting when you’re juggling multiple platforms, plugins, and payment systems.

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5 Red Flags that Say You've Outgrown Your eCommerce Platform

It’s the dreaded side effect of succeeding in eCommerce—eventually the well-meaning but clunky platform that gave you your start will begin to show its age. It’s kind of like an old lover. You look back on the good times you had together and feel a bit of nostalgic attachment. But without a doubt, you know you couldn’t have stayed together. When it’s time to move on, you can feel it.

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MedTech Industry Sees Pandemic’s Silver Lining

Ancient philosopher Lao Tzu said, “If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading.” For many businesses, the pandemic pressed the fast forward button and gave a glaring glimpse at how prepared they were for the future.

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